Rotary in Action
See below for information on Australian Bushfires, Hurricane Ida and Matthew, Haiti Relief, Louisiana Floods, and Earthquakes in Central Italy.
Rotary National Bushfires Appeal
Click here to find out about you can contribute to Rotary Australia World Community Service projects!

2019-20 Bushfires Appeal
We have all seen the disastrous fires that have erupted, taking lives as well as destroying hundreds himes and properties accross Australia.
Rotry is once again taking the lead and looking to provide support for familes in need. To this end several Rotary Districts and clubs have established projects which are redy and able to accept donations from you. All of those projects can apply for funds from this appeal.
Hurricane Ida: Call for Relief Donations
for Communities in Zone 31

Hurricane Ida has devastated communities in our Districts 6200 6840 and 6820. Governors Bob Vaughn (6820) and Mark Lee (6200) have assembled recovery teams to identify needs and coordinate response across all affected areas in Zone 31. Neighboring District 6190, through Governor Karen Johnson, has transported water for distribution in Louisiana. A group of Rotary members from Fairhope, AL, will prepare meals over 600 meals for three days.
In many areas, there are no shelters, no electricity, very limited resources for food, gasoline and supplies, and scarce medical services. Communities such as Golden Meadow, La Place and Galliano are broken and families are left with nothing. Now more than ever is the time for us to live our hashtag, #Rotary Responds.
Here’s how you can help.
- Please make a donation, and encourage your club, club members, and district to make a donation.
- Click the button to the right “MAKE A DONATION NOW.” Donations are tax-deductible and will be used to help affected regions in each district.
- Your donation will help to fund supplies such as: tarps, generators, gas and gas cans, roofing nails, bottled water chain saws, meals, pet food, baby formula, diapers, cleaning supplies and charging stations. Donations are desperately needed to fund these items.

Hurricane Matthew | Ways to donate for Relief

Rotary Disaster Relief for NC Communities. Rotary Districts 7720 & 7730
Eastern North Carolina has experienced 100 year flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.
99 Rotary Clubs are located across the flood affected areas. After the flood waters subside, first responders leave, and government aid terminates, Rotarians and community leaders will assess the hardest hit communities and will organize projects to restore some of what has been lost. Click Here to see how you can help in this effort with your financial support.
Haiti – Ways to donate for Relief

Hurricane Emergency Relief Donor Advised Fund (HER DAF) (For Haiti)
The Rotary Foundation Hurricane Emergency Relief Donor Advised Fund (HER DAF) (For Haiti) is accepting donations via wire, check or on-line for medium to long term relief efforts. Rotary District 7020 Diaster Disaster Fund is accepting donations for Haiti and the Bahamas via wire. In addition, there is a specific Rotary Disaster Relief Fund for the Bahamas where you can contribute via wire or a crowdfunding option for on-line contributions. For all of these options, Click Here for instructions to contribute.

District 7710 is accepting funds to help relief efforts in North Carolina, Bahamas or Haiti. If you would like to make a contribution to this effort please make your check payable to District 7710 Charitable Foundationand write “North Carolina”, “Bahamas” or “Haiti” on the memo line to indicate which relief effort you would like to support. Your check can be mailed to PDG Rick Carnagua at 104 Frehold Court, Cary, NC 27519.

Louisiana Floods – Two Ways You Can Help!

The floods in Lousiana have left thousands homeless. Please consider assisting by making a donation to Rotary District 6200. See the attached letter on ways to make a contribution or click here to go to Rotary District 6200’s donate page.
Or, see below for more information on Diaster Aid USA and how you can help with your contributions or by volunteering.

“Disaster Aid USA has Responded to the Louisiana Flood 2016 “Americans Helping Americans” DAUSA Disaster Response Trailers form Louisiana and Texas along with their teams deployed to Denham Springs LA. Friday 8/19. The trailers were loaded with water and other supplies and lifesaving equipment and tools, such as chainsaws, water pumps, generators, tools for muck out equipment etc.) DAUSA worked with Operation Blessing throughout the weekend out of Healing Place Church located in Denham Springs, LA 70726.”
Click Here to see the full text (pdf) of the Aug 23, 2016 Lousiana Flood Update from Disaster Aid USA.
Look closely…this building is a Bass Pro shop! For more information on the Lousiana Flood, visit Disaster Aid USA.

Earthquakes in Central Italy Alpennine Mountains
Aug – Oct 2016